Surface Water Treatment Plant for SJRA is Packed Full of Locke Products

Leading Precast

Locke is a precast expert based in Houston, Dallas and the Gulf Coast area. We specialize in precast concrete, metal fabrication and the projects most people find too difficult. We’d love to help your business see the better side of building. Reach out today and we’ll be happy to help!

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Locke Solutions was just getting started around the time this Surface Water Facility was being designed, so when we were introduced to provide some small communication vaults, there were several questions about who exactly we were.

It didn’t take long for our LOCKE stickers to start showing up all over that job site though. Over the course of 4 years, we have provided product to 8 different contractors/wholesalers including directly to SJRA. We started with dozens of communication and electrical manholes to protect the “nerve system” of controls traveling between each of the different facilities on site.

We were then called to provide more than 500 sections of precast concrete trench sections used for housing the numerous chemical lines running between facilities.

During the production of the trench sections, we were then given the opportunity to take a look at 2 large water meter vaults designed as pour-in-place concrete structures due to the enormous sizes.

The larger of these vaults measured 42’ in length, 13’ in width, 10’ in height, and weighed a little over 215K lbs.

Even though it’s all buried underground, we’re proud to have the Locke name all over this incredible water treatment facility in Conroe, TX.